
Give Local America is a 24-hour online crowdfunding event that raised more than $53 million in 2014, making it the largest single day of giving in U.S. history. Our local event, Lowcountry Giving Day, will bring together donors from across our service area on May 5th to join the second year of Give Local America.
Below, George Stevens, President/CEO of Coastal Community Foundation, reflects on what truly made Lowcountry Giving Day 2014 a success as we look forward to May 5th.
In this video, Kevin Mills, President & CEO of the South Carolina Aquarium reveals yet another dimension of community-wide giving days. Yes, Lowcountry Giving Day raised a substantial amount of money for Lowcountry nonprofits in May of 2014 and is poised to do so again on May 5th, 2015. And yes, many, many people contributed and many nonprofits ended up in the enviable position of running budget surpluses in 2014 because of the unanticipated generosity of so many donors.
However, those successes are not what Kevin Mills highlights. Instead he savors the thought that the Lowcountry Giving Day was “working for everyone in all directions.” Meaning working for donors whose money goes further, working for nonprofits who together raised awareness and funding for the entire nonprofit sector, and of course, working to address the needs of our community.
Lowcountry Giving Day was a “win” for donors, a “win” for nonprofits, and of course a “win” for the people and places Lowcountry nonprofits serve. In just thirteen seconds Kevin communicates the complex and nuanced pleasure of the affirmation that such a “win-win-win” is possible, with a hint, perhaps, of personal vindication.
Watch closely or you will miss it. For those of you who do, replay minute mark 3:51 to 4:04 and watch for Kevin’s suppressed smile at the end. That smile says it all.

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