Help your clients reach their philanthropic objectives by working with CCF and take advantage of our decades of gift planning and administrative expertise. Your clients rely on your guidance to make important financial decisions. When it comes to charitable giving, we can partner with you to simplify their giving and amplify their impact.

Our staff is ready to assist you and your clients with a variety of planned giving techniques to establish or contribute to a fund including CGAs, CRTs, CLTs, IRAs, life insurance, bequests, 401k and other life income tools. We also offer in-depth knowledge of local community issues and needs and can share the latest trends in philanthropy.

If desired, you can maintain investment advisory capacity over your clients’ assets. Any fund with a balance of $1 million or more at inception may invest through their own financial advisor, as long as they comply with CCF’s Investment Policy Statement.

Professional Advisor Support

Seminars for Professional Advisors

Several times each year, join your peers and CCF staff for a chance to network and discuss current issues related to philanthropy. Past sessions have covered charitable solutions for art and collectibles, intergenerational giving, estate planning, tax law changes, and much more.

If you’d like to learn more about our work with professional advisors, contact Helen Wolfe at

Professional Advisor Toolkit

These documents overview the types of funds, ways to give, planned giving options and the advantages your clients will enjoy by giving to and through Coastal Community Foundation.

Professional Advisor Newsletter

The “For Advisors” monthly e-newsletter provides insights into charitable giving and strategies to share with your clients. To receive the newsletter monthly, email View past editions below.