Seven Opportunities to Up Your Nonprofit Game

The  Jasper County Human Services Network brings nonprofit professionals together to collaborate on common issues.

As working professionals, we are always looking for opportunities to learn and improve. In a nonprofit setting, professional development is arguably even more important – the difference made when you improve at work can change lives for the better.
There are many groups offering professional development and networking opportunities right here in the Lowcountry and South Carolina. Read on to see which one is the best fit for you and your organization:
Association of Fundraising Professionals South Carolina Lowcountry Chapter holds a robust series of programs, luncheons and other professional development opportunities. Members also benefit from online resources and networking events to meet other local development professionals. Visit the AFP Lowcountry website for more information.
Charleston American Marketing Association is kicking off a quarterly Nonprofit Marketing Coffee Talk hosted jointly with CCF on September 16th. You can RSVP for this talk, “Showing is Better Than Telling: Making your case succinctly to all your target audiences”, on Eventbrite, but follow the Charleston AMA on Facebook to stay tuned for future events.
The Charleston County Public Library hosts a great webpage with lists of online and print reference materials for grant writing and fundraising. The Charleston Association of Grant Professionals also holds free monthly meetings at the Library. Once a year CAGP also holds a longer grant writing workshop – for more information email or call 843-452-4492.
The Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation, one of CCF’s affiliate foundations, serves nonprofits in Georgetown County. They offer monthly capacity-building workshops, as well as a quarterly series, Common Issues/Common Threads, that also focuses on networking. The next CI/CT event is a two-day workshop November 4-5, focusing on race relations and bridging generation gaps in the workplace. Contact Jamie Jayroe at for more information on either program.

Human services professionals can network and collaborate at a few groups across the Lowcountry. The Beaufort County Human Services Alliance meets quarterly, and joining is free. The Jasper County Human Services Network, recently launched, also meets quarterly – you can get more info by contacting Pam Toney at

SCANPO is our state nonprofit association. They host many different learning opportunities. The Weekly Wednesday Webinar series covers every topic from planning your first annual campaign to building strong relationship between your board and executive director. SCANPO also hosts a statewide conference every spring – the next one is coming up March 9-11, 2016 in Spartanburg.
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina addresses the root causes and effects of poverty through action, advocacy and leadership. Their Carolina Academy offers in-person workshops at their Columbia headquarters and a free five-month Nonprofit Leadership Development Program.
Need assistance and can’t find it here? You can always give us a call at 843-723-3635.

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