Coastal Community Foundation is now accepting applications for the Facebook Grant for Sustaining Black Communities, which will provide funding for…
With access to high-quality education and opportunities, children will have the ability to change the trajectory of their lives and their families’ lives for generations to come. One concept we’re strongly supporting to bring immediate solutions to communities that are most in need is the expansion of Public Schools of Innovation in school districts across the state.
In 2020, Charleston artist Morgan Kinne was chosen to receive CCF’s Griffith-Reyburn Lowcountry Artist of the Year Award. With the accompanying…
We caught up with Charleston based donors Peter and Patti to discuss their philanthropic giving through CCF, their many community involvements and the importance of encouraging their family’s younger generations to uphold the same values.
The Beaufort County Distance Learning Fund of CCF has been launched in partnership with Beaufort County to support the creation and operation of distance learning programs serving Beaufort County students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over the past five years, Coastal Community Foundation has launched many new initiatives, programs and embarked on new mindsets that advance our mission to make our region more equitable. Here are some highlights.